Developing minds, shaping perspectives

30 Aug

Build A Brand Cult

“I am an Apple person” “I am an Adidas person” “I am a Vespa person” Are you also labeling yourself as a part of some certain brand? Then maybe you are a part of a Cult Brand. There is an interesting analysis of the similarities between the reasons people “join” a brand and the reasons they […]

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18 Jul

Clickbait, How Does It Hook Us?

Have you ever clicked something just because it has something like :    Unbelievable, Shocking, 10 Reasons Why bla bla bla, number 7 will make you bla bla bla This is What Happens if You,   in the headlines? And somehow you feel pranked because the actual content isn’t as bombastic as the thumbnail?   […]

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5 Jul

Small Business Needs Branding Strategy Too! #Kreatalks

Some of us might think that branding is only for big brands with a wide consumer base, such as Adidas, Spotify, or Chanel. Small Business doesn’t need that.  “We don’t have the budget” “Quality is our main priority” “Let’s just focus on the products” But that’s not true. Branding for small businesses is not less […]

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