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30 Aug

Build A Brand Cult

“I am an Apple person”

“I am an Adidas person”

“I am a Vespa person”

Are you also labeling yourself as a part of some certain brand? Then maybe you are a part of a Cult Brand.

woman at crowd raising her hand while making heart sign

There is an interesting analysis of the similarities between the reasons people “join” a brand and the reasons they join a cult.  For some reasons, humans want their lives to make sense, to be a part of some larger story which gives them a sense of meaning and purpose and confers a particular identity on them. And it’s not even news that humans desire comfort, and some brands provide it by promoting exactly what they need.

A Cult Brand captures the attention by offering the specific range of products or services that enjoys the loyal and committed set of buyers. Close relationships are a human need. By capitalizing on this proclivity, brands can be that much more insidious. Accomplishing the brand fanatics is made possible as the Cult Brand sells more than the products or a service; they sell an identity, a place they belong to, and a lifestyle.

Cult brands enjoy a level of brand loyalty other brands can only dream of. Their products sell out. People anxiously wait months – or even years – for the next product drop, and in between, their customers go online to share their brand adoration and recruit new evangelists.

So, how to build a brand cult?

Create a Community

Humans are social beings, and the need to belong is deeply ingrained in our nature. That’s why since the beginning of time humans have been drawn to creating their own communities. Unlike many traditional brands, Cult Brand has customers who feel a sense of self-ownership or vested interest in the brand’s popularity and success.

Creating a community will be the key point. 

people raises hands

Harley Davidson is such a perfect example of a solid brand community. Harley management recognized that the brand had developed as a community-based phenomenon. The “brotherhood” of riders, united by a shared ethos, offered Harley the basis for a strategic repositioning as the one motorcycle manufacturer that understood bikers on their own terms. Harley staffed all community-outreach events with employees rather than hiring an event organizer. For employees, this regular, close contact with the people they served added such meaning to their work that the weekend outreach assignments routinely attracted more volunteers than were needed. Many employees became riders, and many riders joined the company. Executives were required to spend time in the field with customers and bring their insights back to the firm. This close-to-the-customer strategy was codified in Harley-Davidson’s operating philosophy and reinforced during new-employee orientations. Decisions at all levels were grounded in the community perspective, and the company acknowledged the community as the rightful owner of the brand.

Get a Charismatic Leader 

Cult brands, like cult itself, often have leaders people want to follow. Good leaders play a pivotal role in ornamenting an organization’s success and inspire people with their highly influential personalities.

Out of multiple types of leadership, the charismatic leadership style is designed to influence employees and customers. It’s the ability to communicate, influence, and be comfortable in their own skin. Charisma is a process, a quality that requires transforming visions into a reality. And this is precisely what you must follow as a brand leader.

And Elon Musk is doing a great job by being the godfather of Tesla.

Be Inspirational

Being something decent is not enough, you need to inspire people. There are many characteristics that have the power to inspire and uplift those around you. As a brand you can start inspiring people with your courage, drive, creativity, or passion for life. Following the current issue, taking a stand on sociopolitical issues, diversity or anything that creates unique connections among your audiences, and  provokes their emotions.

Do Things Differently

With billions of businesses trying to make a name for themselves, having a strong brand has become crucial for businesses to differentiate themselves from their competitors. If you aren’t  bold and differentiate your brands from competitors, you can’t gain audiences’ attention.

Be Consistent

Consistency makes consumers trust your brand, and that consistency leads to more positive feelings toward your brand. Consumers should know what to expect and what the outcome will be. If they feel like your brand is constantly changing, they will be confused and assume that they can’t trust your business

Having a cult brand is not one single night project. It’s a long run goal.

Be consistent and persistent!

Cult brands tend to be more grassroots in nature and may take years to elevate to cult brand status.

At the end of the day, your audiences’  shoes are not just running shoes, and their smartphones are not just smartphones.

They are the character and soul that are able to confer an identity or give your audiences life meaning.

Yet there is no secret formula to build a cult brand, just be unique and learn to express your values. white and black lego toy