Customer Co-creation is about developing new ideas, services and products directly with your customers which allows you to seek what consumers wants. Co-create process bring along third-party individuals as advisers including consumers, vendors, designers, suppliers, marketers, retailers and assorted experts in your field. Co-Create make all consumers feel like they’re being listened to and taken seriously as equal partners. Co-creation can also be more informative than traditional market research techniques which provide deeper insights. For years, brands relied on statistic tools like online surveys, telephone polls and questionnaires handed out individually.
Since the rise of social media era, co-creation process approached better with online communities using real-time data which can be sorted out instantly and looks more real than traditional one. Internet able to brought all consumers into one place, to share their ideas and compliment into something they prefer. These better experiences can be monumental improvements. Co-creation is not about trying to come up with the most clever marketing tactic, it is about building a consensus between your brand and your customers. According to us, collaborative marketing tactics can crush traditional marketing and advertising. Though, co-creation is not a new concept, it is one that is being enhanced and driven by the way the world changing.
While, influencer marketing is on the rise, brands are seeing tremendous engagement when they open up their social streams in terms of co-created content with their customers and popular social media influencers (read our Influencers Segment here). Influencer marketing is also well-known for helping brands generate their new leads which originally came from loyal fans of the appointed influencers. Building great relationships is often complex which takes time and transparency. That is why, the concept of consumer co-creation has always been at the heart of marketing research. When a consumer shares their opinions, experiences, or perceptions about a product or service it needs to be put attention to create a new future for the brand simultaneously.
The negative parts of co-creation is about the copyright problem. Since co-creation is created with outsiders, 57% of brands report avoiding consumer generated content because of copyrighting concerns, which likely to get worsen. Blurred lines on copyrights scheme also give another failure in terms if giving a proper credit to the original creator. When customers participate in co-creation, brand value are intertwined, both the brand and the customer are responsible for the value that has been created. Co-creation should make both parties have access to evaluate all the benefits and risks.
In conclusion, if you probably got a deadlock turn, Kreatiklan’s team suggest you to build co-creation and aim to get a positive impact with these tactics. We talked about how co-creation projects as an effective way to tap into the rich experiences and unique perspectives of your target audience which also coupled with the brand and product expertise. The unique advantages of this customer-centric approach can help you obtain optimised results that may not have been uncovered without the face-to-face consumer collaboration. By bringing both parties to the same direction, you and your brand will be able to get more work done, in less amount of time, with greater insight and understanding.
If your brand needs co-creation and any other groundbreaking ideas, Kreatiklan’s team will help you get the right disruption for your company through a conscientious research. Consider yourself to get a right branding ideas by contacting us or simply hit (+62) 81-230-938-693, we really love to chat!